Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Summer Lovin’ Week 3!!!!


  1. Sorry your missing your Boo :-( but YAY for Ladybugs bday and for you working it out.
    and the fact that you passed on the cupcakes is a big deal. baby steps right :-)
    Hope you and your mom have a great weekend and Happy early Mothers day.
    *what is the helll are you hitting on??..lmao*

  2. Please, please, please if you never listen (or read) another word I have to say...stick with Turbo Fire! You aren't going to die lol! I'm still living and I do it all of the time. Jillian Michaels is kicking my ass this week so I haven't done it BUT trust I'll be right back on it! Happy birthday to your baby AND happy early mother's day! My girls are paying to get my eyebrows done :-)

  3. @ Ro - YESSS girl, I'm in a state of panic I'm missing that Ninja so much. I think I was hitting on my monitor :( oops!

  4. @ Miesha! Girl, I totally trust you on that one. I've started up a challenge with one of my co-workers.


Hey, leave your 2 cents before you go :)