Last night I was thinking about how to find my 'Happy' and I went back to when I was younger (and smaller) and I began to think back and really evaluate if I was happy back then. And, not to my surprise I was happier. Actually much happier and satisfied with life. Not because I was smaller, but because I was comfortable in my own skin. I used to do things then that would be a serious binge trigger for me. Getting back to that Mitzi would truly make me HAPPY! So, I decided to get back to her, by any means necessary. I know it's going to take a long journey of consistent habits and actions to get me to goal. This morning, a 5 A-the freak-M, I woke up and went to the gym. I feel good, it's out of the way and no way on this freaking earth am I going to f-up my day by eating like a crazy fool. Okay, on to the randomness.
1. My dirty little secret:
This is my water bottle, I drink out of this every single day, EVERY SINGLE DAY...
This is the top - OMG I'm going to die of mold poisoning (sending this bad boy the the dishwasher ASAP)
2. I wanted to take this little guy home, but decided that would be inhumane