Monday, February 21, 2011

Friend Making Mondays (FMM)

Friend making Mondays, courtesy of All the Weigh - Please check her blog out, it's awesome :)  Okay, the question for today is....

What's the first thing you would do for yourself if you won 100 million dollars? Note: this question is specifically for you...what would you do for fun after the family and the bills and the obvious stuff was taken care of?

I would first pay off all of my bills, I mean ALL of those bad boys, lol.  Buy new clothes, new shoes, new bags, new makeup, everything new.  Then most likely buy the home I'm so longing for. 

If you want to answer the question, make sure you link your response to her post (it's at the bottom of the page)


1 comment:

  1. I long for the day I get all these bills paid off and can we can buy our dream house.

    Happy Monday!


Hey, leave your 2 cents before you go :)