Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dope Boy Fresh!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay first off, the title has nothing to do with the topic of my blog.  It was on my Pandora station and now it's stuck in my head.  Secondly, I FINALLY JOINED WEIGHT WATCHERS!!!!!!!!!!  Online that is, yep a girl friend at work and my mom joined and you know I love a good challenge.  I'm so proud that I've done it.  The points plus program is a little confusing, but having the tools online has helped me wrap my head around it.  My official weigh-in day will be Mondays.  I chose Monday because it will make me accountable over the weekend. 

Third thing: I've been able to cross one of my goals off of my list!!!  Actually one and a half.  The first thing (this is the half) I paid off one of my last two credit cards.  Whoot whoot, shuckie duckie - that girl is on it!!!  The second thing I've crossed off for 2011 is.....Drum roll please.....I got a promotion at work!!!!!!  I'm so happy about this, be able to add more responsibilities to my resume is a great thing for ya girl!!!!

Fourth thing, I've been looking as some new blog designs and more ideas for my blogs (that is also a goal on my 2011 list) and I hope to be introducing a new look and more pictures in the VERY VERY near future. 

Lastly, I hope you all have a wonderful day.  Me on the other hand, I'm going to try to sit at my desk, while its raining, and try not to fall asleep!!

Smooches y'all!!!!


    on joining and the promotion.
    I am excited for your new ideas :-)!

  2. Girl good luck!!! This day 72 for me (I'm not on WW but on a VLCD) But it's a weight loss journey so I can relate! Let's do this! You've got my support


    BTW you can follow my progress on


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